The following assumption of risk statement applies to any participants in any University Recreation facility.
Because voluntary participation in recreational activities, programs, and sports involves physical activity with risk of personal injury or damage to property, and proximity, touching, or otherwise interacting with other participants, it is the policy of UNC Charlotte that all participants voluntarily and knowingly assume all risks associated with physical activity.
I understand that I am voluntarily participating in recreational activities at UNC Charlotte for my own personal benefit. I further understand that my ability to participate in recreational activities should be made by my physician if necessary. I assume responsibility for all risks involved in aforementioned activities that have inherent dangers and hazards. Risks may include, but are not limited to:
- Minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, strains, illnesses, stings, and sprains, and property loss or damage;
- Major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, cardiac events, serious illness, allergic reactions, and concussions;
- Catastrophic injuries including paralysis, brain injury, and even death.
In consideration for being permitted to participate in these activities at UNC Charlotte, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless UNC Charlotte, its trustees, officers, employees and agents from any liability arising from or proximately caused by my participation in these activities. I further agree to accept and assume for myself, my assigns, executors, and heirs any and all such risks and losses that may occur.
- Patrons are responsible for knowing all University Recreation policies.
- Participation in recreational activity at UNC Charlotte is voluntary and at the risk of the participant.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Responsibility for the supervision of the facilities rests with University Recreation staff or designee. Harassment or disregard of the directions provided by the staff will result in immediate ejection from the facility and may result in additional disciplinary action.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Membership and access to UREC facilities are revocable licenses and UREC reserves the right to revoke, suspend, or terminate any membership or facility access for conduct UREC determines to be improper or for failure to comply with UREC policies, rules, regulations, or other reasonable instructions or directions provided by UREC staff.
- All participants must have a valid UNC Charlotte credential or be the guest of a participant with a valid UNC Charlotte credential. No entry will be allowed without UNC Charlotte credential ID.
- Participants will have their ID validated (physical ID or mobile ID) upon entry
- University Recreation employees reserve the right to confiscate an ID if they feel the person presenting the ID is not the person on the ID
- IDs that are broken will not be accepted
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Organized activities other than those approved by University Recreation may be prohibited based on size and the nature of the activity.
- University Recreation scheduled activities within the facility have priority. Any modifications of the schedule will be posted
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Solicitation of product and/or services, other than those approved by University Recreation, are prohibited.
- Requests for approval to post flyers, signs or posters are directed to the Administrative Support Associate, the Associate Director of Outreach, Engagement, & Assessment or the Coordinator of Outreach and Engagement.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
University Recreation values a welcoming environment, as well as your health and wellbeing. Exposed skin contact with gym surfaces can be a risk of disease exposure; to help prevent the transmission of viruses and infections and to protect fitness equipment, University Recreation RECOMMENDS the following dress code:
- Clothing that eliminates direct skin contact with equipment and other surfaces in UREC facilities
- A full t-shirt including sleeves covering the armpit, chest, side, back and full torso
- Appropriate athletic footwear is required in all activity areas.
- Closed-toed and close-heel shoes are required in all activity areas, except designated locations (pool, group exercise studios, locker room, and sand volleyball court).
- Only clean, non-marking soles are permitted in the activity areas except for designated areas (indoor & outdoor pools, group exercise studios, locker rooms, and sand volleyball court).
- An athletic top and bottom must be worn (exceptions are the locker room areas - you may not change in any areas outside of the locker rooms).
- Shirts or Tank Tops must cover the chest (including nipples).
- Undergarment or underwear are not acceptable forms of tops and bottoms.
- Athletic shorts or other athletic bottoms are required to cover the entire buttocks, this includes the gluteal fold and genitals. (examples: athletic shorts, spandex, leggings, yoga pants, gym shorts)
- No revealing, transparent or see-through clothing
- Clothing with exposed rivets, buttons, metal parts, or features likely to damage equipment are not permitted. Example: No jeans, cargo pants, or shorts with belts may be worn.
- Appropriate clothing is outlined below for specific facilities or activity locations
- See "Fitness Floor Policies," Section C - "Appropriate Clothing" below.
- See "Group Fitness Policies," Section B - "Attire" below.
- See "UREC Pool Policies," Section A - "Cleanliness & Attire" below.
Open Recreation opportunities are available for UNC Charlotte-affiliated patrons, schedule permitting, on a first-come, first-served basis.
- All University Recreation equipment must remain in its designated area/floor
- Spitting is not allowed in University Recreation facilities
- All patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly and sportsmanlike manner
- Exposed skin contact with gym surfaces can be a risk of disease exposure; participants are required to clean fitness equipment before and after each use.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- University Recreation is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property. The department highly encourages patrons to utilize day-use lockers throughout Belk Gym and the University Recreation Center as well as Locker Rooms in both facilities. Thefts should be reported to a University Recreation staff member immediately. See OTHER LOCATION POLICIERS" below, Section A - Locker Room."
- Personal belongings (including all bags, scooters and skateboards) are not permitted in hallways, lobbies or activity areas of University Recreation buildings. Lockers and/or cubbies are available for storage of all items
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
The following are prohibited from the facility:
- Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are prohibited in all University Recreation facilities, during all programs, and during all special events. It is also prohibited to use of the facility under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This includes electronic cigarettes, vape pens, chewing tobacco, CBD oil, etc.
- Pets (service animals are allowed as per University Policy 704)
- Guns, weapons, fireworks
- Unauthorized wheeled vehicles
- Skateboards, scooters, skates, or any other recreational wheels
- Carrying a skateboard or longboard into a facility is permitted
- Scooters, bicycles, or any other recreational wheels other than a skateboard or longboard must remain outside the facility and can be stored in any provided rack
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
The following activities are prohibited in our facilities
- Sparring will be prohibited in the facility unless in a University Recreation sanctioned event
- Moving goals, bleachers, or other equipment without permission of staff
- Any activity that could damage the playing surface of a court, field, or fitness floor
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Daily tours will be given by University Recreation staff/ students at the discretion of the staff member on duty.
- All daily tours are limited to 10 people.
- Daily tours will be a 10-15 minute preview of the UREC Main Facility.
- Daily tours will be available starting one hour after UREC Main opens up until one hour prior to closing.
- Special Request Tours are available for groups that do not mean the requirements for a daily tour. You may request specific dates, facilities, and purposes of the tour.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Individuals may not use any University Recreation facilities for personal coaching or instructional purposes without prior written approval from University Recreation
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Personal coolers, food, and drinks are permitted within the University Recreation facilities but must be kept in designated locations for each facility
- Belk Gymnasium - Lobby areas
- University Recreation - Lobby areas, demonstration kitchen, and vending machine café seating.
- NRFC - Pavilion
- Hayes - Parking Lot
- Glass containers are not permitted
- Coolers are subject to search by any University Recreation staff member at any time.
- All drinks, including water, must be in a resealable container
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Personal photography and videotaping are defined as media of self, friends, and/or family obtained informally for personal use.
- Personal photography and video are permitted in University Recreation facilities except for in the restroom and locker room spaces.
- The personal privacy of participants must be respected.
- You must have the explicit permission of every person who may be identified in any photo or video (exceptions may be made for approved intramural and sport club competitions and special events).
- Taking photos or video of identifiable individuals without their consent is prohibited and is cause for immediate removal from University Recreation facilities and could result in suspension.
- Photography/video of minors (individuals under the age of 18) requires the permission of a parent or guardian.
- All participants have a right to decline to be in a photo/video.
- Tripods and other peripheral equipment are prohibited.
- Patrons taking photos/videos must not interrupt, cause any nuisance to, or jeopardize the safety of other patrons.
- If University Recreation staff feel that a patron is abusing the personal use photo and video policy, they will be asked to put their device away. They may be asked to leave the facility if they continue to violate the policy.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- University Recreation supports and recognizes the need for students who require taking photos/videos as part of their academic coursework.
- Academic use is defined as media obtained/reproduced for academic purposes, including class projects.
- Students wishing to take photos or videos in University Recreation facilities for academic use must have approval in advance. Email our Associate Director of Outreach, Engagement, and Assessment or the Coordinator for Outreach and Engagement at least 72 hours before the anticipated time you wish to shoot the photos/videos to request approval.
- Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed approval.
- If a request is approved, students must wear a UREC Media pass.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Email the Associate Director of Outreach, Engagement, and Assessment or the Coordinator of Outreach and Engagement at least 72 hours before the anticipated time you wish to shoot the photos/videos to request approval.
- Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed approval.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- All fitness equipment and weights must remain in the designated fitness areas.
- Bags are not allowed on the fitness floors. Day-use lockers are available for use to store belongings, as well as locker rooms.
- Equipment must be used for the manufactured intended purpose only.
- Inverted exercises are prohibited from the top of any machine or squat rack.
- No spitting on the turf area or in any other fitness areas.
- Water bottles must have sealed lids. No glass containers allowed.
It is recommended that each participant consults a physician before starting any fitness program/activity
Wear clothing that provides sufficient coverage to avoid direct skin contact with mats, benches, and other equipment to minimize the risk of contamination or infection. We recommend patrons wear appropriate clothing, including a full, unaltered t-shirt with sleeves (long or short, no cap-sleeve) that covers the chest, sides, back, and stomach.
- Shirts or Tank Tops must cover the chest (including nipples), sides, back and stomach. No deep cut tank tops: must be covered both on sides and back with at least a hands-width apart from armpit. No cut offs.
- Shorts are required to cover the entire buttocks, this includes the gluteal fold, while performing exercises and movements.
- Clothing with exposed rivets, buttons, metal parts, or features likely to damage equipment are not permitted. Example: No jeans, cargo pants, or shorts with belt loops, belts, or zippers may be worn.
- Appropriate athletic footwear is required in all activity areas. Closed-toed shoes are required in all activity areas, except designated locations (pool, group exercise studios, locker room, and sand volleyball court).
Personal Trainers not hired by University Recreation may not train clients within the University Recreation facilities.
We recommend lifting with a partner whose strength is similar to yours. If lifting without a spotter, avoid lifting weights over or above the body; instead, use the selectorized equipment.
- Free weights are prohibited from being used on cardio machines.
- Weighted equipment should be used properly when loading weight plates (i.e. plates should be placed in appropriate locations), no hanging or sitting on equipment to add additional weight.
- Liquid Chalk will only be permitted for use on barbells. It may be purchased at the front desk if needed.
- Weight collars or clips must be used on all plate-loaded equipment
- Perform controlled reps - do not allow weights to drop or slam onto safety bars and/or floor
- Deadlifts will need to be controlled back to the ground even if bumper plates are used
- Weights/bars may not be leaned or braced against walls
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- It is expected (if necessary) that you share equipment and allow others to use your machine when doing multiple sets
- Please limit cardio machine workouts to 30 minutes when others are waiting
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Re-rack all weights/plates to their designated areas
- Patrons must wipe down equipment after use
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Olympic Style Lifting will only be permitted on the designated platforms with proper equipment while understanding and agreeing to the following:
- Olympic Weightlifting bars may ONLY be used for Olympic Weightlifting in the four post racks.
- Spotting for Olympic Weightlifting is strictly prohibited
- Control the bar at least below shoulder level unless the lift is completely missed
- No dropping of unloaded bars
- Liquid chalk is permitted but must stay in the designated areas
- Bumper plates must be used with all Olympic lifts
- Olympic Weightlifting platform users must stay inside of 4 post racks while completing Olympic Lifts
- All bumper plates and collars are to be cleared from the bar and put back in the proper location
- Each participant must understand:
- Mobility and flexibility are a key component of Olympic Weightlifting movements.
- It is recommended NOT to perform lifts if they do not have sufficient range of motion or are injured.
- That there are only two grips acceptable for new lifters, standard and hook grips.
- How to “miss” Olympic lifts correctly
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Utility benches must be kept out of walkways and away from emergency exits
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- There is no late entry to any Group Fitness class five minutes after class start time due to safety reasons.
- It is recommended that participants arrive at least 5 minutes early to ensure proper setup of equipment and avoid disruption of class
- Only on the fifth-floor mind/body studio may you participate in class barefoot, with studio wraps, or in socks.
- See "General UREC Building Policies," Section G - "Participation, Attire, Equipment, & Behavior" above for general attire policies.
- Participants are encouraged to regularly monitor their own workout intensity and take water breaks frequently
- In order to ensure safety of participants, class size may be limited at the discretion of the instructor
- Wipe down equipment after use and return to designated area
- All usage of the studios must be approved by University Recreation
- For all classes, participants will be required to check-in before beginning class.
- We encourage you to sign up in advance as we want your experience to be quick and streamlined. *Signing up early does not guarantee to hold your spot for the class (ie. Cycling) as it will still be a first come, first serve basis for participation, however, sign-ups facilitate usage data for the University in order to better serve our group fitness community.
- Class sign-ups will be available 48 hours in advance of class start time.
- If you can no longer attend a class that you signed up for, please remove your sign-up by using the following steps:
- 1. Click on the link here
- 2. Log in with your Ninernet credentials
- 3. Click on the respective class
- 4. Cancel the sign-up
- No chewing gum
- All drinks/beverages should be in a resealable container
- Please make sure cell phone volume is on silent
- No photography or videography of participants without their permission
- Refunds will not be given unless there is a documented health issue or unforeseen circumstance that arises
- Communicate attendance, concerns, etc. with specified instructor
- Patrons must shower in locker rooms before entering either the pool.
- Patrons must wear appropriate, non-restrictive, swimming attire.
- Gum, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and other drugs are prohibited.
- Coolers and bags are subject to search if alcohol is suspected.
- Coolers are permitted at the outdoor pool deck.
- Coolers must be smaller than 10" x 8.5" x 8.5"
- Coolers are prohibited within the indoor pool area.
- No running on the pool deck.
- Diving is not permitted.
- No hanging on basketball rims/volleyball net.
- No hanging on lane lines.
- The use of personal speakers is prohibited on the pool deck. Ear buds or headphones are permitted.
- Animals, with the exception of service animals (University Policy 704), are not permitted in the pool area. Service animals are not allowed in the water.
- Personal floatation devices (i.e. Inner tubes or inflatable boats and rafts) are prohibited.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Personal floatation devices (i.e. Inner tubes or inflatable boats and rafts) are permitted if provided by University Recreation staff.
- Guards must be in the stands before swimmers may enter the water.
- Lifeguards are meant to monitor pool areas for safety concerns, prolonged/social conversations are prohibited as they distract guards from performing duties as needed.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Children 17 and under are not to use the swimming pool without adult supervision.
- Coast Guard approved and labeled life jackets must be worn by those who cannot pass a swim test.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Gates at the outdoor pool area are for emergency exit only.
- Any person allowing access, gaining access, or exiting through an emergency exit gate will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from all University Recreation facilities
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
University Recreation reserves the right to close either pool in the event of:
- Weather in Area
- Power failure
- Cloudy water
- Injury of patron
- Fecal Matter/Vomit
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Lap swimmers have priority for lanes
- Circle swim is advised during designated or peak times
- Swim to the right of the center black line at all times
- Verbally notify other swimmer(s) when you are entering the lane
- Swim continuously from end to end
- While resting on the wall, please move to the outward corners of the lane to allow other swimmers to turn at the wall at the end of the lane
- Swimmers may not swim underwater for more than one length of the pool
- Coolers are prohibited in the indoor pool area
- The use of personal speakers is prohibited on the outdoor pool deck. Ear buds or headphones are permitted.
- Gates at the outdoor pool area are for emergency exit only. Any person allowing access, gaining access, or exiting through an emergency exit gate will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from all University Recreation facilities
- All participants must have a valid UNC Charlotte ID or be the guest of a participant with a valid UNC Charlotte ID
- Participants will have their ID scanned upon entry
** General University Recreation Policies all apply at every University Recreation facility, event, or program.**
- Food is permitted at the pavilion
- No food can be taken to or consumed on the turf. This includes gum and sunflower seeds.
- Coolers are not permitted at NRFC except for where authorized for events
- No grills, unless given written permission by UREC Professional Staff members
**General University Recreation Policies all apply at every University Recreation facility, event, or program.**
The following items or actions are specifically prohibited at NRFC:
- Unauthorized food/beverages
- Unauthorized use of the facility
- Moving bleachers or tables
**General University Recreation Policies all apply at every University Recreation facility, event, or program.**
- Hanging from rims, nets, or goal supports is prohibited.
- Gum/sunflower seeds, glass containers, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and other drugs are prohibited on the outdoor court area. Coolers and bags are subject to search if alcohol is suspected.
- Animals, with the exception of service animals, are not permitted on the outdoor court area.
- The use of personal speakers is prohibited. Ear buds or headphones are permitted.
- Outdoor court area is available for Open Rec use unless reserved for University Recreation approved event.
- Courts may be closed at any time due to safety-related concerns.
- If a person loses equipment over the gates/fences, please contact a University Recreation Staff.
- Gates at the outdoor court area are for emergency exit only. Daily entry and exit must take place through double doors on the 1st floor of the facility. Any person jumping over the gates/fences, allowing access, gaining access, or exiting through an emergency exit gate will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from all University Recreation facilities
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Bikes, rollerblades, roller skates, or skateboards are not allowed.
- Playing hockey is not allowed.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Use of Sand Volleyball Court is limited to Volleyball, other activities may be approved by University Recreation only.
- Patrons are asked to rake sand after use.
- Participants must wear appropriate athletic clothing. Bathing suits are allowed.
- Participants are required to brush sand off their body before leaving the Sand Volleyball Court area and before re-entering facility.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- University Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. Thefts should be reported to a University Recreation staff member immediately.
- Lockers are for day use only.
- Any lock left on the locker at closing will be cut and items inside the locker will be collected and kept at the Welcome Desk for 14 days. If not retrieved before 14 days, items will be discarded.
- For safety and security, we recommend you use a lock.
- Locks can be checked-out from the Welcome Desk free of charge.
- Glass containers of any kind are prohibited.
- Please use caution as floors in Locker Rooms may be wet
- Please refrain from using cell phones in the locker rooms to respect others’ privacy
- No filming or photography
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Please use caution when entering and exiting the track.
- Spectating, standing and performing exercises on the track is prohibited.
- Track should be free of any food, drinks, and/or bags. Day-use lockers are available to store belongings.
- No throwing objects over the railings of the track.
- Using cable railing around track for stretching or other exercises is prohibited.
- No weighted equipment will be allowed on the track with the exception of soft weighted equipment
- No roller blades, skateboards, scooters, strollers, or any unauthorized recreational wheels are allowed on track.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- No sitting or climbing on the ledge
- No throwing objects over the ledge
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Court space is designated for racquetball, Wallyball, and squash. All other activities must be approved by the Associate Director of University Recreation and/or Assistant Director of Open Recreation
- University Recreation and the Department of Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Services scheduled events, programs, and classes have priority.
- The use of approved polycarbonate closed eye guards is highly recommended.
- Shirts must be worn at all times
- Food and gum are prohibited inside the Racquetball Courts. Drinks are to be kept in a closed container outside of the courts.
- Personal belongings (including all bags and skateboards) are not permitted in hallways, lobbies or activity areas of Belk Gym. Lockers and/or cubbies are available for storage of all items.
- Failure to demonstrate proper sportsmanship and adhere to these and other policies will result in removal from the facility and possible disciplinary action.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Due to the limited registration space and resources used to supply each Demo Kitchen event, we ask that if you can no longer attend to cancel your reservation in order to open your spot to another individual within 12 hours of the scheduled event. If you do not cancel your reservation spot and do not show up to the event, you will be charged a "no-show" fee to cover the cost of supplies. Please be courteous of your fellow 49ers to allow others to attend!
- Memberships purchased with payroll deduction can be canceled at any time. Membership cancellation is effective upon receipt of request to UREC.
- Cancellation of payroll deductions made within 6 days of the pay date will be effective on the next paycheck
- Example - Cancellation request made on January 16th will cancel payroll deduction for February 1st paycheck
- Example - Cancellation request made on January 29th will cancel payroll deduction for February 15th paycheck
- Memberships paid for in full via cash, check or credit/debit card are are non-refundable and non-transferable. All sales are final. The following extenuating circumstances will be considered for refunds:
Injury/Illness(official documentation will be required)
- Email the UREC Office (u-rec@uncc.edu) stating that you wish to cancel your membership and/or payroll withholding.
- Once the email is received, UREC will coordinate necessary steps to cancel payroll deduction or review official medical documentation for non payroll deduction cancellations to determine appropriate action.
- Parking passes are not refundable.
- UNC Charlotte University Recreation is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
- Patrons are not allowed to search through lost and found items.
- UNC Charlotte Students, University Recreation members, and guests are encouraged to store all personal belongings securely in lockers provided throughout Belk Gymnasium or the University Recreation Center
All UNC Charlotte IDs are turned into the 49er Card Office and/or UNC Charlotte Police.
Items of significant value are turned in to UNC Charlotte Police. These items include . .
- wallets (with credit cards, money, etc.)
- keys
- cell phones
- headphones (AirPods or related equipment must have both earbuds with the case together).
- Non-significant items turned in to the Welcome Desk will be held for 14 days by the University Recreation department. After 14 days, items will be donated.
- Non-significant items include items such as clothing, bottles, and sports equipment.
To claim a lost item, present a UNC Charlotte ID or a government issued photo ID and sign the Return section of the Lost and Found Log.
Certain items such as medication (with no identifiers) and toiletries will not be retained by University Recreation and will be disposed of.
- Any person eligible for a full membership that has not purchased one - this would include . .
- faculty or staff
- alumni
- retirees
- affiliates or business partners
- students enrolled in the fall
- students who are eligible for summer membership
- non-assessed students (students who do not pay an automatic fee with tuition, which is uncommon)
- The only exclusion applies to ADD-ONS (plus ones & dependents). They are not eligible for a day pass. Read more about ADD-ONS on our membership page.
- A guest has to be sponsored by a current member.
- The guest also has to be 18 years or older.
- Guest fees ($10) must be paid at the time of sale before entering the facility
- Day pass fees ($5) must be paid at the time of sale before entering the facility.
- Guest or Day pass holders must present a government issued ID.
- An ID card from another college or university is acceptable.
A guest or day pass provides access to UREC, Belk Gymnasium, and/or NRFC.
No refunds will be awarded once a day or guest pass holder has entered the facility.
Day pass holders, sponsors, and guests are responsible for knowing all University Recreation policies.
Participation in recreational activities at UNC Charlotte is voluntary and at the risk of the participant.
- Sponsors must accompany their guests at all times.
- A maximum of 2 guests per day is allowed.
- Guests and sponsors are required to leave the facility at the same time.
- They must check in and out at the front desk.
- Guests may not transfer sponsors.
Individuals are not permitted to solicit sponsors. Sponsors will be asked if they are willing to bear responsibility for the actions of their guest before Guest Pass sale is completed.
Sponsors will be held accountable for the actions of his/her/their guest.
Day pass holders, sponsors, and guests that violate University or University Recreation policies are subject to discipline up to and including permanent ban from all University Recreation facilities.
- No guests under the age of 18 will be permitted in any University Recreation facility.
- Additionally, dependents (age 17 and under) who have a membership may not sponsor guests.
These policies only apply to a UREC Parking Pass. See information on membership page.
- Three (3) hour validated parking is to be applied only to parking associated with a UNC Charlotte alumni, plus one, or dependent 18+ individual who has an active UREC membership, has UREC and PaTS accounts in good standing, has paid for parking through their membership, and is actively utilizing the UREC facilities during the time they are parked.
- The UREC parking pass is valid for the duration of your current UREC membership term. Parking pass expires on the same day as current membership.
- Be sure to validate 5 minutes prior to the building closing to ensure validation
This parking option is only valid in the Union Deck Visitor parking area (upper levels).
No refunds are given for paid parking.
- This parking agreement will not be valid during certain large-scale events (football, Commencement, large SAC or PMSU events, etc.) when parking in the Union Deck is restricted for the event.
- Advance notice will be provided to UREC by PaTS, so that UREC alumni patrons can be notified of the restriction and their alternate parking options.
Only UNC Charlotte students, members of UREC with a valid UNC Charlotte 49er ID Card and/or Alumni with a Perks Pass may check out equipment.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
Only equipment designated for outdoor use may leave the facility. All other items must remain at the facility it was checked out from
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- Equipment is checked out on a first come, first served basis and may not be reserved
- All equipment should be returned 15 minutes prior to the facility closing
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**
- If the equipment is not returned within 24 hours of being checked out, the equipment will be considered lost and the individual must pay the established replacement cost
- University Recreation reserves the right to charge a patron for damaged equipment upon return.
- Equipment is checked by University Recreation staff prior to checkout and at the time of return for any damage. Please notify University Recreation staff if an item that you checked out is damaged prior to use
- University Recreation reserves the right to suspend access to further equipment checkout if the replacement fee is not paid. For students, a financial hold will be placed on the student’s account if the replacement fee is not paid.
**University Recreation reserves the right to implement any additional guidelines that protect the health and safety of the facility and its users**