Eligibility: Any person eligible for a full membership that has not purchased one - this would include faculty, staff, alumni, retirees, affiliates, business partners, students enrolled in the fall, or non-assessed students (students who do not pay an automatic fee with tuition, which is uncommon). The only exclusion applies to ADD-ONS (plus ones & dependents). They are not eligible for a day pass. Read more about ADD-ONS on our membership page.
Access: Day pass holders can use any part of the University Recreation facilities, including participating in group fitness.
Purchase: Visit the front desk with a physical government issued ID. A faculty or staff ID (if applicable) is preferred.
Limitation: Day pass holders cannot sponsor a guest pass.
Cost: $5/day
Eligibility: A guest has to be sponsored by a current member. The guest also has to be 18 years or older. Guests must be with the current member who sponsored them at all times.
Access: Guest pass holders can use any part of the University Recreation facilities, including participating in group fitness, but they must be with the current member who sponsored them at all times.
Purchase: Visit the front desk with a physical government issued ID. There are forms that must be filled out before entry.
Limitation: Member can sponsors a maximum of 2 guests per day.
Cost: $10/day
- Any person eligible for a full membership that has not purchased one - this would include . .
- faculty or staff
- alumni
- retirees
- affiliates or business partners
- students enrolled in the fall
- students who are eligible for summer membership
- non-assessed students (students who do not pay an automatic fee with tuition, which is uncommon)
- The only exclusion applies to ADD-ONS (plus ones & dependents). They are not eligible for a day pass. Read more about ADD-ONS on our membership page.
- A guest has to be sponsored by a current member.
- The guest also has to be 18 years or older.
- Guest fees ($10) must be paid at the time of sale before entering the facility
- Day pass fees ($5) must be paid at the time of sale before entering the facility.
- Guest or Day pass holders must present a government issued ID.
- An ID card from another college or university is acceptable.
A guest or day pass provides access to UREC, Belk Gymnasium, and/or NRFC.
No refunds will be awarded once a day or guest pass holder has entered the facility.
Day pass holders, sponsors, and guests are responsible for knowing all University Recreation policies.
Participation in recreational activities at UNC Charlotte is voluntary and at the risk of the participant.
- Sponsors must accompany their guests at all times.
- A maximum of 2 guests per day is allowed.
- Guests and sponsors are required to leave the facility at the same time.
- They must check in and out at the front desk.
- Guests may not transfer sponsors.
Individuals are not permitted to solicit sponsors. Sponsors will be asked if they are willing to bear responsibility for the actions of their guest before Guest Pass sale is completed.
Sponsors will be held accountable for the actions of his/her/their guest.
Day pass holders, sponsors, and guests that violate University or University Recreation policies are subject to discipline up to and including permanent ban from all University Recreation facilities.
- No guests under the age of 18 will be permitted in any University Recreation facility.
- Additionally, dependents (age 17 and under) who have a membership may not sponsor guests.