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Campus Resources
This position is vacant.
Director of University Recreation
This position is vacant.
Director of University Recreation
Liz Forman
Administration, Recreation, Outreach & Membership
Associate Director
Liz Forman
Administration, Recreation, Outreach & Membership
Associate Director
Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Programs
Associate Director
Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Programs
Associate Director
Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Programs
Associate Director
Assistant Director of Business Operations and Personnel Management
Assistant Director of Business Operations and Personnel Management
Chris Washington
Facilities & Operations
Interim Associate Director
Chris Washington
Facilities & Operations
Interim Associate Director
This position is vacant.
Vacant Position
Associate Director
This position is vacant.
Assistant Director of Intramural Sports
This position is vacant.
Assistant Director of Intramural Sports
Josh Bruno is our assistant director of strength training and conditioning.
Assistant Director for Strength Training and Conditioning
Josh Bruno is our assistant director of strength training and conditioning.
Assistant Director for Strength Training and Conditioning
Josh Bruno is our assistant director of strength training and conditioning.
Assistant Director for Strength Training and Conditioning
University Recreation
Assistant Director of Sport Clubs
University Recreation
Assistant Director of Sport Clubs
University Recreation
Assistant Director of Sport Clubs
Tori Lord
Assistant Director for Fitness
Tori Lord
Assistant Director for Fitness
Tori Lord
Assistant Director for Fitness
Carrie Randolph
Assistant Director for Aquatics and Risk Management
Carrie Randolph
Assistant Director for Aquatics and Risk Management
Carrie Randolph
Assistant Director for Aquatics and Risk Management
Coordinator for Open Recreation and Patron Experience
Coordinator for Open Recreation and Patron Experience
Brandon Mettler
Coordinator for Intramural Sports
Brandon Mettler
Coordinator for Intramural Sports
Brandon Mettler
Coordinator for Intramural Sports
Rachel Randolph
Coordinator of Outreach & Engagement
Rachel Randolph
Coordinator of Outreach & Engagement
Carson photo
Academy on Council of Exercise
Cassidy - Swim Instructor Image
Swim Instructor
In 1950, Charles Cooper was drafted into the NBA as the 13th overall pick in the second round by the Boston Celtics.
Former NBA Player
Corrinne Tarver is the first coach for Fisk University's gymnastics team and was the first African American gymnast herself to win the NCAA All-Around.
Gymnastics Coach
Cullen Jones is an Olympic Gold Medalist in swimming.
Cullen Jones
Personal Trainer - David
PTA Global Certified Personal Trainer
Earl Lloyd was drafted in the NBA in 1950; he was picked in the 9th round as the 100th pick.
Earl Lloyd
Former NBA Player
Erin - Swim Instructor Image
Swim Instructor
Jailen photo
SCW Certified Personal Trainer
Jordynn Cromartie helped form the first ever Fisk University gymnastics team.
Jordynn Cromartie
UREC celebrates the life of the late Juliette Moore.
Juliette Moore
Former NIRSA President
Lacee Green is our Feb 7th BHM Honoree!
Lacee Green
Physical Trainer
Lauryn Williams is the first American woman to medal in both the Summer and Winter Olympics.
Lauryn Williams
Runner & Bobsledder
Mateo - Swim Instructor Image
Swim Instructor
Nat Clifton signed with the New York Knickerbockers in 1950.
Nat "Sweetwater" Clifton
Former NBA Player
Nelson Vails is the only African American to have won an Olympic medal in cycling.
Nelson Vails
Nicole is our current certified athletic trainer.
Nicole Whitaker
Department of Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Sciences
Sport Clubs Certified Athletic Trainer, MS, LAT, ATC
Nicole is our current certified athletic trainer.
Nicole Whitaker
Department of Applied Physiology, Health, and Clinical Sciences
Sport Clubs Certified Athletic Trainer, MS, LAT, ATC
Rachel photo
AFPA Certified Personal Trainer
Sophia Danenberg was the first Black American to summit Mt. Everest.
Sophia Danenberg
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Tonya Johnson is one of two African American volleyball coaches in the SEC.
Tonya Johnson
Volleyball Coach
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
DJ Washington
Coordinator for Events and Reservations
DJ Washington
Coordinator for Events and Reservations
Building Environmental Services Technician
Building Environmental Services Technician
Equipment and Operations Technician
Equipment and Operations Technician
Building Services Supervisor
Building Services Supervisor
Mark Parker
Equipment and Operations Technician
Mark Parker
Equipment and Operations Technician